
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
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Happy New Year!

Warm up, get activation energyand start BI 4- Unit 9 Kinetics

H/W: Learn Reaction Kineticswith Podcast1 and do pages6-14 and do problems 1-5 in the BI 4 packet.

Go over pages 6-14 and Introduce Integrated Rate Law Equations

H/W: Work on pages15-25 and learn about effect of activation energy on rate of reaction with podcast 2 and do Practice Problems pages 6-14

Go over pages15-25 and introduce activation energy and reaction mechanism

Introduce CV lab

H/W: Finish pages 26-41with Podcast 3

-Understand CV Lab with handouts and Video

Same as Wednesday

Open Notes Kinetics Formative Assessment
Perform CV lab (Video), continue lab on Monday


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CV Lab Due today, Review Kinetics

H/W :Guidelines for completing the lab:
- D
raw, print and paste calibration graph (label axes, title, calculate slope)
-Make a data table with aborbance, time, concentration data
- Show calculations for one set of data for converting absorbance to concentration of CV

- Plot, print and paste three graphs, show r2 values
- F
ind the rate raw and calculate value of k. Justify how you found the rate law.

Youtube live session 7:30 -8:30pm (starting time changed to 7:30), Watch Kinetics Review video before the live session, Practice Quiz, Key

Kinetics Summative Assessment

H/W: Learn Thermochemistry with Thermochem Podcast and Bozeman Science videos 1 and 2 with summary notes

Sub Lesson

Thermochemistry Notes

H/W: Complete pg 11-42 in Unit 10 packet. After understanding example problems, start working on the problems on pages 5-10


Same as Wednesday

Tutorial Extra Study Session on Thermochem for Period 4Clarify Thermochemistry and go over practice problems,

H/W : Calorimetry Lab: video, how to assemble coffee cup calorimeter, Problems on calorimetry, calorimetry Simulation (optional)

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MLK Holiday

Formative Assessment on Thermochemistry

Go over Thermochem Lab


Retake on Kinetics Summative Perform Handwarmer Lab

H/W: Hess's Law Podcast, do pages 32-37

Complete DH calculation for your salt and bring this value to class on Friday. (SP 5)

Same as Wednesday


Hess's Law and Lab clarification

H/W: Finish Argumentation and Documentation and Postlab Assessment from Handwarmer lab handout (SP 6), due Monday

Extra Practice Problems on Calorimetry

Study for Exam Practice Exam for Unit 9,10, Key

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Handwarmer lab due today, Thermochem problems, Review for Unit 9, 10 Exam

H/W: Practice Exam for Unit 9,10, Key Youtube live session help 7-8 pm

Test Unit 9, 10

H/W:H/W: Go over Unit 11, Entropy and Gibbs Free Energywith bozeman science videos 57-61 http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-chemistry/

Unit 11 Clarification, Practice Problems on Unit 11

H/W: Practice problems on Unit 11

Same as Wednesday

Go over Unit 11

H/W: Study for Unit 11 Summative, Practice Summative, Key

Add to summary notes with equilibrium podcast and ICE Charts Podcast, Extra Help: http://www.bozemanscience.com/ap-chemistry/, Videos 62,63,64