Practice tests, quizzes, and more are available from the practice tab at the top. Another useful site for more practice problems and podcasts.

Big Idea 1: Unit 1: Learning Objectives 1.1-1.4

Learning Objectives



LO 1.1 The student can justify the observation that the ratio of the masses of the constituent elements in any pure sample of that compound is always identical on the basis of the atomic molecular theory.

Law of Constant composition at particulate level

LO 1.2 The student is able to select and apply mathematical routines to mass data to identify or infer the composition of pure substances and/or mixtures.

Mass Percent

LO 1.3 The student is able to select and apply mathematical relationships to mass data in order to justify a claim regarding the identity and/or estimated purity of a substance.

Empirical and Molecular Formula, hydrates, Purity of a Mixture

LO 1.4 The student is able to connect the number of particles, moles, mass, and volume of substances to one another, both qualitatively and quantitatively.

Mole Concept, Volume to Moles

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Roadmap for success in AP Chem

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary Notes

Screencasts/Videos: LO 1.1 Video, LO 1.2 Video, LO 1.3 Videos EF from Mass%, EF from Combustion Data, Hydrates LO 1.4 Video

Youtube Live Quiz 1 (LO 1.1-1.4) Review Sessions:Ms. Choi
Mrs. Gupta

Green Chemistry Lab, Hydrates Lab, Lab Video

Law of Multiple Proportions
Law of Constant Composition
Particulate Level Drawings
Online study cards
Percent Composition Tutorial
Movie on Determining Formula of a Hydrate
Calculating Empirical Formula from Combustion Data
Formula to Mass (and vice versa) Conversion

Big Idea 1: Unit 2: Learning Objectives 1.5-1.11

Learning Objectives



LO 1.5 The student is able to explain the distribution of electrons in an atom or ion based upon data.

Coulomb's law and IE, Electron Configurations and Periodic Trends

LO 1.6 The student is able to analyze data relating to electron energies for patterns and relationships.

Electron Configurations

LO 1.7 The student is able to describe the electronic structure of the atom, using PES data, ionization energy data, and/or Coulomb’s law to construct explanations of how the energies of electrons within shells in atoms vary.

Electron Configurations and PES, IE and Coulomb's Law

LO 1.8 The student is able to explain the distribution of electrons using Coulomb’s law to analyze measured energies.

Ionization Energy and Electron Configurations, valence electrons

LO 1.9 The student is able to predict and/or justify trends in atomic properties based on location on the periodic table and/or the shell model.

Atomic Radius, Ionic Radius and Periodic Trends

LO 1.10 Students can justify with evidence the arrangement of the periodic table and can apply periodic properties to chemical reactivity.

Chemical Reactivity and Periodic Trends

LO 1.11 The student can analyze data, based on periodicity and the properties of binary compounds, to identify patterns and generate hypotheses related to the molecular design of compounds for which data are not supplied.

Alloys, semiconductors

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary Notes

PES- LO 1.5-1.8 Videos 1, 2 , PES PPT

Periodic Trends- LO 1.9-1.11 Videos 1, 2, Animations Screencast, Powerpoint, FRQ dos and don'ts document and Periodic Trends Keywords

Alloys Notes on Alloys


Periodic Trends Activity, supporting Document

Electron Configurations

PhET Build An Atom
Electron configuration of common metal ions
Atom in a Box App
Exciting Electrons
Image of Atomic Orbitals, Orbital Viewer
H atom animation PhET

Periodic Trends Interactives: EA, IE, Atomic and Ionic Radius Movie, Electronegativity Moive, Electron affinity movie, Ionization energy tutorial with emphasis on instrumentation-Berkeley (optional), Notes: Darthmouth(optional)

Semiconductors n and p type semiconductors, animation #1, #2

Big Idea 1: Unit 3: Learning Objectives 1.12-1.20

Learning Objectives



LO 1.12 The student is able to explain why a given set of data suggests, or does not suggest, the need to refine the atomic model from a classical shell model with the quantum mechanical model.

Justification of quantum mechanical model based upon experimental data

LO 1.13 Given information about a particular model of the atom, the student is able to determine if the model is consistent with specified evidence.

Justifying a scientific model (atomic model) with experimental data

LO 1.14 The student is able to use data from mass spectrometry to identify the elements and the masses of individual atoms of a specific element.

Mass Spectrometry

LO 1.15 The student can justify the selection of a particular type of spectroscopy to measure properties associated with vibrational or electronic motions of molecules.

Electronic motions- rotational, vibrational and translational energies and spectrum, E= hv

LO 1.16 The student can design and/or interpret the results of an experiment regarding the absorption of light to determine the concentration of an absorbing species in a solution.

Absorption of Light and Beer-Lambert's Law

LO 1.17 The student is able to express the law of conservation of mass quantitatively and qualitatively using symbolic representations and particulate drawings.

Law of Conservation of Mass- qualitative and quantitative, particulate level drawing

LO 1.18 The student is able to apply conservation of atoms to the rearrangement of atoms in various processes. Conservation of mass--atoms, molecules, formula units in a reaction
LO 1.19 The student can design, and/or interpret data from, an experiment that uses gravimetric analysis to determine the concentration of an analyte in a solution. Gravimetrics for mass of a solid produced in a solution

LO 1.20 The student can design, and/or interpret data from, an experiment that uses titration to determine the concentration of an analyte in a solution.

Titration for finding the concentration of analyte

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary notes

Atomic Models LO 1.12, 1.13- Videos Quantum Mechanical Model, Atomic Model, Powerpoint

Mass Spectroscopy LO 1.14 Video

Spectrophotometry LO 1.15-1.16 Video

Law of Conservation of Mass LO 1.17-1.18

Gravimetrics LO 1.19

Titration LO 1.20 Measurement Podcast, Movie on Titration, how to perform a titration




ibook Aaron Grimme on itunes store

Spectrophotometry Lab



Titration WS and Lab
Resources- Standardization of NaOH w/KHPVarious aspects of titration- Making standard solution a. starting with a solid b. starting with a solution (dilution)





Beers Law PhET


Measurement SI Units, practice of measurement using lab equipment

Titration Animation

Big Idea 2, Unit 4, LO 2.1- 2.9 States of Matter, Gases, Solutions

Unit 4 LO 2.1- 2.9 Phases of Matter (s, l, g) LO 21.and 2.3 Solids and Liquids
(LO 2.2 Address with Acids and Bases)  LO 2.4- 2.6 Gases and properties, both micro and macroscopic Pressure, Volume, Temp at particulate level  Pressure, Volume, Temp Mathematically   LO 2.7-2.9 Solutions, Molarity

LO 2.1 I can predict properties of substances based on their chemical formulas, and provide explanations of their properties based on particle views.
LO 2.2 I can explain the relative strengths of acids and bases based on molecular structure, interparticle forces, and solution equilibrium.
LO 2.3 I can use aspects of particulate models (i.e., particle spacing, motion, and forces of attraction) to reason about observed differences between solid and liquid phases and among solid and liquid materials.
LO 2.4 I can use KMT and concepts of intermolecular forces to make predictions about the macroscopic properties of gases, including both ideal and nonideal behaviors.
LO 2.5 I can refine multiple representations of a sample of matter in the gas phase to accurately represent the effect of changes in macroscopic properties on the sample.
LO 2.6 I can apply mathematical relationships or estimation to determine macroscopic variables for ideal gases.
LO 2.7 I can explain how solutes can be separated by chromatography based on intermolecular interactions.
LO 2.8 I can draw and/or interpret representations of solutions that show the interactions between the solute and solvent.
LO 2.9 I can create or interpret representations that link the concept of molarity with particle views of solutions.

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers:Practice Problems , Summary Notes, Videos (Gupta) Solids and liquids, Gases

Bozeman Videos Solids, Liquids, Gases

Molar Mass of a Volatile Liquid Lab youtube video for Molar Mass of a volatile liquid lab

LO 2.1 and 2.3 - Phases of Matter (Solids, Liquids and Gases) States of Matter PhET, Heating cooling curves 2, Heating cooling curve interactive

Gases Bozeman Science Gas, Particulate level Gases , Kinetic Energy of Gases, Boyle's Law, Charles' and Gay-Lussac's Law, Ideal Gas Law, Collecting gas over water, Maxwell Graph, Diffusion of gas , Graham's Law Animation, Real v. Ideal Gases

Solutions and Dissolution video, Dissolving of NaCl,Solubility Curves, Solubility of AgCl

Big Idea 2, Unit 5, LO 2.7, 2.10-2.20 Separation of Mixtures, IMF and Bonding

Chromatography, Separation of Mixtures, LDFs, Non Ideal Gases, dipole- dipole, ion-dipole, dissolution at particulate level, IMF and properties, Types of bonding, ionic polar covalent non polar covalent, polarity EDD, ionic bonds, Metallic Bonding

LO 2.7 I can explain how solutes can be separated by chromatography based on intermolecular interactions.
LO 2.10 I can design and/or interpret the results of a separation experiment (filtration, paper chromatography, column chromatography, or distillation) in terms of the relative strength of interactions among and between the components.
LO 2.11 I can explain the trends in properties and/or predict properties of samples consisting of particles with no permanent dipole on the basis of London dispersion forces.
LO 2.12 I can qualitatively analyze data regarding real gases to identify deviations from ideal behavior and relate these to molecular interactions.
LO 2.13 I can describe the relationships between the structural features of polar molecules and the forces of attraction between the particles.
LO 2.14 I can apply Coulomb’s law qualitatively (including using representations) to describe the interactions of ions, and the attractions between ions and solvents to explain the factors that contribute to the solubility of ionic compounds.
LO 2.15 I can explain observations regarding the solubility of ionic solids and molecules in water and other solvents on the basis of particle views that include intermolecular interactions and entropic effects.
LO 2.16 I can explain the properties (phase, vapor pressure, viscosity, etc.) of small and large molecular compounds in terms of the strengths and types of intermolecular forces.
LO 2.17 I can predict the type of bonding present between two atoms in a binary compound based on position in the periodic table and the electronegativity of the elements.
LO 2.18 I can rank and justify the ranking of bond polarity on the basis of the locations of the bonded atoms in the periodic table.
LO 2.19 I can create visual representations of ionic substances that connect the microscopic structure to macroscopic properties, and/or use representations to connect the microscopic structure to macroscopic properties (e.g., boiling point, solubility, hardness, brittleness, low volatility, lack of malleability, ductility, or conductivity).
LO 2.20 I can explain how a bonding model involving delocalized electrons is consistent with macroscopic properties of metals (e.g., conductivity, malleability, ductility, and low volatility)

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary Notes, Notes on Alloys, IMF Video Gupta, Bonding Video Gupta, Bozeman Science Covalent bonding, Ionic Bonding, Metallic Bonding, Ionic Bonding, Ionic and Covalent bonding.

Evaporation and IMF Lab

Quick Ache Relief Lab with Video

Quick Ache Relief lab, Video, liquid-liquid extraction and drying organic solvent, particulate level explanation for liquid-liquid extraction, filtration using buchner funnel

IMF Video Bozeman, Animations 1, 2, 3, IMF Interactive

Separation Podcast (6:30- 13:00 mins) and lab video

Real v. Ideal Gas

Bonding Podcast, covalent bonding, ionic bonding, metallic bonding, Bonding, Ionic Bonding, Ionic and Covalent bonding. Quick Check : #1,, #2, #3, Metallic Bonding (youtube video), Metallic and Covalent Network Solids, Diamond and Graphite

Big Idea 2, Unit 6, LO 1.11, 2.21- 2.32 Lewis Structures, VSEPR, Bonding- Ionic, Metallic, Covalent, Network, Alloys

LO 2.21 I can use Lewis diagrams and VSEPR to predict the geometry of molecules, identify hybridization, and make predictions about polarity.
LO 2.22 I can design or evaluate a plan to collect and/or interpret data needed to deduce the type of bonding in a sample of a solid.
LO 2.23 I can create a representation of an ionic solid that shows essential characteristics of the structure and interactions present in the substance.
LO 2.24 I can explain a representation that connects properties of an ionic solid to its structural attributes and to the interactions present at the atomic level.
LO 2.25 I can compare the properties of metal alloys with their constituent elements to determine if an alloy has formed, identify the type of alloy formed, and explain the differences in properties using particulate level reasoning.
LO 2.26 I can use the electron sea model of metallic bonding to predict or make claims about the macroscopic properties of metals or alloys
LO 2.27 I can create a representation of a metallic solid that shows essential characteristics of the structure and interactions present in the substance.
LO 2.28 I can explain a representation that connects properties of a metallic solid to its structural attributes and to the interactions present at the atomic level.
LO 2.29 I can create a representation of a covalent solid that shows essential characteristics of the structure and interactions present in the substance.
LO 2.30 I can explain a representation that connects properties of a covalent solid to its structural attributes and to the interactions present at the atomic level.2
LO 2.31 I can create a representation of a molecular solid that shows essential characteristics of the structure and interactions present in the substance.
LO 2.32 I can explain a representation that connects properties of a molecular solid to its structural attributes and to the interactions present at the atomic level.
LO 1.11 The student can analyze data, based on periodicity and the properties of binary compounds, to identify patterns and generate hypotheses related to the molecular design of compounds for which data are not supplied.

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary Notes

VSEPR Online Lab

Bonding Internuclear distance and potential energy, Potential energy diagram for covalent bonding PhET

VSEPR PhET VSEPR (must see!), Animation, Quizlet link ( for memorizing VSEPR shapes), VSEPR Theory, Commonly made mistakes in VSEPR video

Lewis Structures resonance#1, #2, Formal charge movie

Interesting Structure structure, Benzene

MO Theory: Animation, Bonding and Antibonding orbital video


Big Idea 3, Unit 7 Reactions: Types, Net Ionic Equations, Stoichiometry: Limiting Reactants, Percent Yield

LO 3.1 I can translate among macroscopic observations of change, chemical equations, and particle views.
LO 3.2 I can translate an observed chemical change into a balanced chemical equation and justify the choice of equation type (molecular, ionic, or net ionic) in terms of utility for the given circumstances
LO 3.3 I can use stoichiometric calculations to predict the results of performing a reaction in the laboratory and/or to analyze deviations from the expected results.
LO 3.4 I can relate quantities (measured mass of substances, volumes of solutions, or volumes and pressures of gases) to identify stoichiometric relationships for a reaction, including situations involving limiting reactants and situations in which the reaction has not gone to completion.
LO 3.5 I can design a plan in order to collect data on the synthesis or decomposition of a compound to confirm the conservation of matter and the law of definite proportions.
LO 3.6 I can use data from synthesis or decomposition of a compound to confirm the conservation of matter and the law of definite proportions
LO 3.7 I can identify compounds as Brønsted-Lowry acids, bases, and/or conjugate acid-base pairs, using proton-transfer reactions to justify the identification.

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary Notes
Nameing Podcast 2, Practice Naming with ibook, pdf version of ibook,
Writing Reactions podcast
Reaction Prediction, Synthesis and Decomposition Video
Neutralization Reaction Video
Oxidation Number Video (3:00- 9:05 Minutes)

Bozeman Stoichiometry Video , Practice Problems

Qualitative Analysis Lab





Limiting Reactants: PhET Simulation


Unit 8, Electrochemistry, Voltaic Cells and Electrolytic Cells

LO 3.8 I am able to identify redox reactions and justify the identification in terms of electron transfer.
LO 3.9 I am able to design and/or interpret the results of an experiment involving a redox titration.
LO 3.10 I am able to evaluate the classification of a process as a physical change, chemical change, or ambiguous change based on both macroscopic observations and the distinction between rearrangement of covalent interactions and noncovalent interactions.
LO 3.11 I am able to interpret observations regarding macroscopic energy changes associated with a reaction or process to generate a relevant symbolic and/or graphical representation of the energy changes.
LO 3.12 I can make qualitative or quantitative predictions about galvanic or electrolytic reactions based on half-cell reactions and potentials and/ or Faraday’s laws.
LO 3.13 I can analyze data regarding galvanic or electrolytic cells to identify properties of the underlying redox reactions.

Videos/Graphic Organizers
Online Resources

Graphic Organizers: Practice Problems, Summary Notes
podcast 1, 2, 3

Electrochem Lab 1 and 2

Standard Reduction Potential
Voltaic Cell



Resources for I Semester Final

Review Power point, Summary Notes, Exceptions in Chem, Keywords document
Website for programming your calculator

In addition, you will need class packet and Key for Practice Final

Review Podcasts Unit A, Unit B 1,Unit B 2, Unit C, Unit D (old)

BI 4, Unit 9, Chemical Kinetics

LO 4.1 I can  design and/or interpret the results of an experiment regarding the factors (i.e., temperature, concentration, surface area) that may influence the rate of a reaction
LO 4.2 I can analyze concentration vs. time data to determine the rate law for a zeroth-, first-, or second-order reaction
LO 4.3 I can  connect the half-life of a reaction to the rate constant of a first-order reaction and justify the use of this relation in terms of the reaction being a first-order reaction
LO 4.4 I can  connect the rate law for an elementary reaction to the frequency and success of molecular collisions, including connecting the frequency and success to the order and rate constant, respectively.
LO 4.5 I can explain the difference between collisions that convert reactants to products and those that do not in terms of energy distributions and molecular orientation
LO 4.6 I can  use representations of the energy profile for an elementary reaction (from the reactants, through the transition state, to the products) to make qualitative predictions regarding the relative temperature dependence of the reaction rate
LO 4.7 I can  evaluate alternative explanations, as expressed by reaction mechanisms, to determine which are consistent with data regarding the overall rate of a reaction, and data that can be used to infer the presence of a reaction intermediate.
LO 4.8 I can  translate among reaction energy profile representations, particulate representations, and symbolic representations (chemical equations) of a chemical reaction occurring in the presence and absence of a catalyst.
LO 4.9 I can  explain changes in reaction rates arising from the use of acid-base catalysts, surface catalysts, or enzyme catalysts, including selecting appropriate mechanisms with or without the catalyst present.

Video/Graphic Organizers


Online Resources

Podcasts 1, 2, 3, Review on kinetics

Powerpoint, Concept Map

CV Lab, Video

Tutorial on kinetics

Rates of reaction and collision animation

Interactive on integrated rate laws

Activation energy interactive, #2

Practice quiz on Kinetics

BI 5, Unit 10, Thermochemistry

Conservation of Energy (heat) – First Law of Thermodynamics
LO 5.3 The student can generate explanations or make predictions about the transfer of thermal energy between systems based on this transfer being due to a kinetic energy transfer between systems arising from molecular collisions. LO 5.4 The student is able to use conservation of energy to relate the magnitudes of the energy changes occurring in two or more interacting systems, including identification of the systems, the type (heat versus work), or the direction of energy flow.  LO 5.5 The student is able to use conservation of energy to relate the magnitudes of the energy changes when two non reacting substances are mixed or brought into contact with one another.
Specific Heat and Energy Transfers during Phase Change
LO 5.6 The student is able to use calculations or estimations to relate energy changes associated with heating/cooling a substance to the heat capacity, relate energy changes associated with a phase transition to the enthalpy of fusion/ vaporization, relate energy changes associated with a chemical reaction to the enthalpy of the reaction, and relate energy changes to page66image12080page66image12280page66image12480work.
Calorimetry, Exo- Endothermic Reactions and Physical/Chemical Changes at molecular level
LO 5.7 The student is able to design and/or interpret the results of an experiment in which calorimetry is used to determine the change in enthalpy of a chemical process (heating/cooling, phase transition, or chemical reaction) at constant pressure. LO 5.8 The student is able to draw qualitative and quantitative connections between the reaction enthalpy and the energies involved in the breaking and formation of chemical bonds. LO 5.10 The student can support the claim about whether a process is a chemical or physical change (or may be classified as both) based on whether the process involves changes in intramolecular versus intermolecular interactions.

Video/Graphic Organizers


Online Resources

Thermochem Podcast and Bozeman Science videos 1 and 2, Hess's Law Podcast Calorimetry lab with video, Calorimetry Simulation, #1Animation, #2 ppt, #3 how to assemble coffee cup calorimeter  

BI 5, Unit 11, Thermodynamics

Entropy  LO 5.12 I can use representations and models to predict the sign and relative magnitude of the entropy change associated with chemical or physical processes.
ΔG= ΔH- TΔS LO 5.13 I can predict whether or not a physical or chemical process is thermodynamically favored by determination of (either quantitatively or qualitatively) the signs of both page74image4360page74image4560page74image4760and page74image4992page74image5192page74image5392, and calculation or estimation of ΔG when needed. DG of Products- DG of Reactants
LO 5.14 I can determine whether a chemical or physical process is thermodynamically favorable by calculating the change in standard Gibbs free energy.

Video/Graphic Organizers


Online Resources

Bozeman science videos 57-61

Unit 11 Packet with Summary Notes and Practice Problems


BI 6, Unit 12, Chemical Equilibrium

Chemical Equilibrium
Learning objective 6.1 Ican, given a set of experimental observations regarding physical, chemical, biological, or environmental processes that are reversible, construct an explanation that connects the observations to the reversibility of the underlying chemical reactions or processes.  

Equilibrium Constant K, kf/kr= K
Learning objective 6.2 I can, given a manipulation of a chemical reaction or set of reactions (e.g., reversal of reaction or addition of two reactions), determine the effects of that manipulation on Q or K.  Learning objective 6.3 I can connect kinetics to equilibrium by using reasoning about equilibrium, such as Le Chatelier’s principle, to infer the relative rates of the forward and reverse reactions.   Learning objective 6.4 I can, given a set of initial conditions (concentrations or partial pressures) and the equilibrium constant, K, use the tendency of Q to approach K to predict and justify the prediction as to whether the reaction will proceed toward products or reactants as equilibrium is approached.

Numerical Calculations of K
Learning objective 6.5 I can, given data (tabular, graphical, etc.) from which the state of a system at equilibrium can be obtained, calculate the equilibrium constant, K. Learning objective 6.6 I can, given a set of initial conditions (concentrations or partial pressures) and the equilibrium constant, K, use stoichiometric relationships and the law of mass action (Q equals K at equilibrium) to determine qualitatively and/or quantitatively the conditions at equilibrium for a system involving a single reversible reaction.  Learning objective 6.7 I can, for a reversible reaction that has a large or small K, to determine which chemical species will have very large versus very small concentrations at equilibrium. K and DG
Learning objective 6.25 The student is able to express the equilibrium constant in terms of page114image51800page114image52000page114image52200and page114image52432page114image52632and use this relationship to estimate the magnitude of K and, consequently, the thermodynamic favorability of the process

Le Chatelier’s Principle
Learning objective 6.8 I can use Le Chatelier’s principle to predict the direction of the shift resulting from various possible stresses on a system at chemical equilibrium.  Learning objective 6.9 I can use Le Chatelier’s principle to design a set of conditions that will optimize a desired outcome, such as product yield.  Learning objective 6.10 I can  connect Le Chatelier’s principle to the comparison of Q to K by explaining the effects of the stress on Q and K.

Video/Graphic Organizers


Online Resources


Equilibrium Lab, Link

BI 6, Unit 13 Acids, Bases, Hydrolyis, Buffers, Titrations and Ksp




AP Exam Preparation

Notes Important Documents Additional Resources

Summary Notes Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19 , 20, 25

WS Packet: MC WS

Review Powerpoints: #1, #2, #3


-Redesigned AP Exam, Redesigned Curriculum (detailed version) , condensed version

Flash Cards
- Equations for MC AP Test
-Exceptions document

-Practice lab test problems (optional)

-Colors Handout
-Common Chemicals Names Handout

1. AP Test Review
2. AP test Quick Review
3. Equations for MC AP Test
4. Common Compounds Names
5. Colors and Solubility
6. Exceptions document

Thermochemistry Unit: How do Hot Packs and Cold Packs Work?

Thermochemistry Unit: Student Copy Thermochemistry Unit: Teacher Copy Thermochemistry Unit: Unit Map