class DisplayPanel extends JPanel   
		private Image numbers;
		private int xcorner, ycorner;
		private int width, height;
		private double xleft, xright, xincrement;
		private int ybottom, ytop;
		private String name[] = { "sin", "cos", "tan", "csc", "sec", "cot" };
		private String numerator[] =   { "opposite","adjacent","opposite","hypotenuse","hypotenuse","adjacent" };
		private String denominator[] = { "hypotenuse","hypotenuse","adjacent","opposite","adjacent","opposite" };

		public DisplayPanel ( )   
			numbers = getImage ( getDocumentBase ( ), "Numbers.jpg" );
			WaitForImage ( this, numbers );
			setBackground ( Color.white );
			width = 760;
			height = 300;
			xleft = ( -Math.PI / 6.0 );
			xright = ( 19.0 * Math.PI / 6.0 );
			xincrement = ( Math.PI / 6.0 );
			ybottom = -3;
			ytop = 3;
			xcorner = 10;
			ycorner = 230;

		public void paintComponent(Graphics g) 
			super.paintComponent ( g );
			PaintFunction ( g );
			DrawUnitCircle ( g );
			DisplayTrigRatio ( g );

		public void WaitForImage ( JPanel component, Image image )   
			MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker ( component );
				tracker.addImage ( image, 0 );
				tracker.waitForID ( 0 );
			catch ( InterruptedException e )   
				e.printStackTrace ( );   

		public void DrawUnitCircle ( Graphics g )   
			int xpos = 50, ypos = 15, radius = 100;
			int col = ((int)(xval * 180 / Math.PI + 0.1) % 360) / 30;
			int oppmovefact = -25;
			if ( Math.cos(xval) > 0.0 )
				oppmovefact *= -1;
			g.drawImage( numbers, (int)(xpos + radius + radius * Math.cos (xval)) - 15 + oppmovefact, 
				(int)(ypos + radius - radius * Math.sin (xval) / 2.0) - 20,
				(int)(xpos + radius + radius * Math.cos (xval)) + 22 + oppmovefact, 
				(int)(ypos + radius - radius * Math.sin (xval) / 2.0) + 27, col * 38 + 1, 1, 
				( col + 1 ) * 38, 50, this );
      		 	g.drawImage( numbers, (int)(xpos + radius + radius * Math.cos (xval) / 2.0) - 10, 
				(int)(ypos + radius - radius * Math.sin (xval)) - 10,
				(int)(xpos + radius + radius * Math.cos (xval) / 2.0) + 27, 
				(int)(ypos + radius - radius * Math.sin (xval)) + 37, col * 38 + 1, 51, 
				( col + 1 ) * 38, 100, this );
			g.setColor ( Color.gray );
			g.drawOval ( xpos, ypos, 2 * radius, 2 * radius );
			g.drawOval ( xpos + 1, ypos + 1, 2 * radius - 2, 2 * radius - 2 );
			g.drawOval ( xpos + 2, ypos + 2, 2 * radius - 4, 2 * radius - 4 );
			g.setColor ( );
			for ( int i = -1; i <= 1; i++ )   
				if ( choice == 1 || choice == 4 )
					g.setColor ( Color.lightGray );
				else if ( choice == 3 || choice == 5 )
					g.setColor ( );
					g.setColor ( );

				g.drawLine ( xpos + radius + (int)(Math.cos(xval)*radius) + i, ypos + radius, 
					xpos + radius + (int)(Math.cos(xval)*radius) + i, 
					ypos + radius - (int)(Math.sin(xval)*radius) );

				if ( choice == 0 || choice == 3 )
					g.setColor ( Color.lightGray );
				else if ( choice == 2 || choice == 4 )
					g.setColor ( );
					g.setColor ( );

				g.drawLine ( xpos + radius, ypos + radius + i, 
					xpos + radius + (int)(Math.cos(xval)*radius), ypos + radius + i );

				if ( choice == 2 || choice == 5 )
					g.setColor ( Color.lightGray );
				else if ( choice == 0 || choice == 1 )
					g.setColor ( );
					g.setColor ( );

				g.drawLine ( xpos + radius, ypos + radius + i, xpos + radius + (int)(Math.cos(xval)*radius),
					ypos + radius - (int)(Math.sin(xval)*radius) + i );

		public void DisplayTrigRatio ( Graphics g )   
			g.setColor ( );
			Font textFont = new Font ( "SansSerif", Font.BOLD, 28 );
			g.setFont ( textFont );
			g.drawString ( name[choice] + " " + (int)(xval * 180 / Math.PI + 0.1) + " =", 300, 65 );
			int row1 = 0, row2 = 0;
			switch (choice) {
				case 0: 
					row1 = 0;   
					row2 = 2;    
				case 1: 
					row1 = 1;   
					row2 = 2;    
				case 2:
					row1 = 0;   
					row2 = 1;    
				case 3: 
					row1 = 2;   
					row2 = 0;    
				case 4: 
					row1 = 2;   
					row2 = 2;    
				case 5: 
					row1 = 1;   
					row2 = 0;    

			int col = ((int)(xval * 180 / Math.PI + 0.1) % 360) / 30;
         		g.drawImage( numbers, 450, 5, 487, 
				54, col * 38 + 1, row1 * 50 + 1, 
				( col + 1 ) * 38, ( row1 + 1 ) * 50, this );
         		g.drawImage( numbers, 450, 55, 487, 
				104, col * 38 + 1, row2 * 50 + 1, 
				( col + 1 ) * 38, ( row2 + 1 ) * 50, this );
			g.fillRect ( 445, 55, 40, 4 );

			if ( ((int)(xval * 180 / Math.PI + 0.1) % 360) % 90 != 0 )   
				g.drawString ( "=", 510, 65 );
				row1 += 3;
				row2 += 3;
         			g.drawImage( numbers, 540, 13, 577, 
					60, col * 38 + 1, row1 * 50 + 3, 
					( col + 1 ) * 38, ( row1 + 1 ) * 50, this );
         			g.drawImage( numbers, 540, 55, 577, 
					102, col * 38 + 1, row2 * 50 + 3, 
					( col + 1 ) * 38, ( row2 + 1 ) * 50, this );
				g.fillRect ( 540, 55, 40, 4 );
			g.drawString ( "y =  " + name[choice] + " x =", 300, 180 );
			g.fillRect ( 490, 170, 160, 4 );
			g.setColor ( );
			g.drawString ( numerator[choice], 490, 155 );
			g.setColor ( );
			g.drawString ( denominator[choice], 490, 205 );

		public void PaintFunction ( Graphics g )    
			g.setColor ( );
			g.fillRect ( xcorner - 2, ycorner - 2, width + 4, height + 4 );
			g.setColor ( Color.white );
			g.fillRect ( xcorner + 2, ycorner + 2, width - 4, height - 4 );
			g.setColor ( );
			g.fillRect ( xcorner + (int)(width / (xright - xleft) * (0.0 - xleft)) - 2, ycorner, 4, height );
			g.fillRect ( xcorner, ycorner + (int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * ytop) - 2, width, 4 );
			for ( double i = xleft; i <= xright; i += xincrement )   
				g.fillRect ( xcorner + (int)(width / (xright - xleft) * (i - xleft)) - 2, 
				ycorner + (int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * ytop) - 8, 4, 16 );
				g.drawLine ( xcorner + (int)(width / (double)(xright - xleft) * (i - xleft)), ycorner, 
				xcorner + (int)(width / (double)(xright - xleft) * (i - xleft)), ycorner + height );
			for ( int i = ybottom; i <= ytop; i++ )   
				g.fillRect ( xcorner + (int)(width / (xright - xleft) * (0.0 - xleft)) - 8, 
				ycorner + (int)(height /(double)(ytop - ybottom) * (i - ybottom)) - 2, 16, 4 );
				g.drawLine ( xcorner, ycorner + (int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * (i - ybottom)), 
				xcorner + width, ycorner + (int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * (i - ybottom)) );
			double y, prevy, prevx;
			prevx = xleft;
			prevy = GetValue ( prevx );
			g.setColor ( );
			for ( double x = xleft; x <= xval; x += 0.01 )   	
				y = GetValue ( x );
				for ( int i = -3; i <= 0; i++ )
					if ( y > -10 && y < 10 )
						g.drawLine ( xcorner + (int)(width / (xright - xleft) * (x - xleft)), 
							ycorner + height - (int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * (y - ybottom)) + i,
							xcorner + (int)(width / (xright - xleft) * (prevx - xleft)), 
							ycorner + height-(int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * (prevy - ybottom)) + i );
				prevx = x;
				prevy = y;
			g.setColor ( );
			if ( GetValue ( xval ) < 10 && GetValue ( xval ) > -10 )
			g.fillOval ( xcorner + (int)(width / (xright - xleft) * (xval - xleft)) - 5, 
				ycorner + height - (int)(height / (double)(ytop - ybottom) * (GetValue(xval) - ybottom)) - 5, 10, 10 );
			g.setColor ( Color.white );
			g.fillRect ( 0, 0, xcorner - 2, height + ycorner );
			g.fillRect ( 0, 0, width + xcorner, ycorner - 2 );
			g.fillRect ( 0, ycorner + height + 2, width + xcorner, height + ycorner );
			g.fillRect ( xcorner + width + 2, 0, width + xcorner, height + ycorner );
			g.setColor ( );

		public double GetValue ( double x )   
			switch ( choice )
				case 0:  return ( Math.sin ( x ) );
				case 1:  return ( Math.cos ( x ) );
				case 2:  return ( Math.tan ( x ) );
				case 3:  return ( 1 / Math.sin ( x ) );
				case 4:  return ( 1 / Math.cos ( x ) );
				case 5:  return ( 1 / Math.tan ( x ) );
			return -1.0;

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