import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class TimedProgress extends JApplet { private Display canvas; public TimedProgress ( ) { this.setBackground ( ); canvas = new Display ( ); canvas.setBackground ( ); getContentPane().add ( canvas, BorderLayout.CENTER ); } public Insets getInsets ( ) { return new Insets ( 5, 5, 5, 5 ); } } class Display extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private int boxheight; private Timer timer; private Font mine; private String message; public Display ( ) { setLayout ( null ); mine = new Font ( "Serif", Font.PLAIN, 48 ); boxheight = 400; if (timer == null) { timer = new Timer ( 50, this ); timer.start ( ); } } public void paintComponent ( Graphics g ) { super.paintComponent ( g ); g.setColor ( Color.white ); g.fillRect ( 15, 15, 410, 50 ); g.setColor ( ); g.fillRect ( 20, 20, boxheight, 40 ); g.setFont ( mine ); g.setColor ( Color.white ); switch ( boxheight ) { case 400: message = "Better hurry!"; break; case 350: message = "Time marches on . . ."; break; case 300: message = "Hey, speed up!"; break; case 250: message = "Don't dilly-dally!"; break; case 200: message = "Go, go, go!"; break; case 150: message = "Pick up the pace!"; break; case 100: message = "Watch the time!"; break; case 50: message = "Running out of time!"; break; case 0: message = "Time is up!"; break; } g.drawString ( message, 15, 160 ); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { if ( boxheight > 0 ) { boxheight--; repaint ( ); } else { timer.stop(); timer = null; } } }