import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; // This applet allows the user to select the font type and the size of the // displayed text by making a selection from the Choice boxes. It also // allows the user to change the color of the text by choosing an item // from the menu Change Color in the menu bar. public class MenuOptionApplet extends JApplet implements ItemListener, ActionListener { // These are the actual items that the user will be selecting in the menu. // we made them instance variables so that we could use them in init and // acionPerformed private JMenuItem red, green, blue; // This variable holds the current color for the text in the applet. // It's value changes as different menu items are selected. private Color currentColor; // The following two Choice boxes will hold the various selections that the // user can choose from to change the text's font and font size. Choice font, size; // This holds the current font size of the text int currentSize; // This holds the current font type of the text String currentFont; // init method public void init () { // Initialize the choice box for font size size = new Choice (); // We will allow the user to choose any font size between 10 and 100, in // increments of 5. for (int x = 10; x <= 100; x+=5) { // We add each possible selection in a String format to our choice box. // The order they are added in does matter. They will be added in // order from top to bottom. size.add ("" + x); } // Add an item listener to the choice box so that we can be notified // when the user changes the selection size.addItemListener (this); // Initialize the choice box for font type font = new Choice (); // Get the current graphics environment so that we can find out what // fonts are available on the machine which this applet is running on. GraphicsEnvironment ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment(); // Call this method from GraphicsEnvironment to get a String array of // all of the avaible fonts on the computer where our applet is running // (i.e. you will probably end up with a different list of available fonts // if you run this applet on different computers). String fontFamilyNames[] = ge.getAvailableFontFamilyNames(); // Add each of the available fonts (one at a time) to our font choice box for (int x = 0; x < fontFamilyNames.length; x++) { font.add (fontFamilyNames[x]); } // Add an item listener so that we can tell when the user changes the // font selected. font.addItemListener (this); // Get an alias to our container so that we can add the two choice boxes Container c = getContentPane(); // Set the layout to the FlowLayout so that we don't have to set the size // or location of any of our components c.setLayout (new FlowLayout()); // Add the two choice boxes to the container c.add(font); c.add(size); // Set the initial value of current font to be the first available font currentFont = fontFamilyNames[0]; // Set the initial value of current size to be 10 currentSize = 10; // Declare and initialize a menu bar for our applet JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar(); // This method call will add the menu bar to the applet. The interpreter // will take care of the size and placement of the menu bar. setJMenuBar (menuBar); // Declare and initialize a couple of menus that will be added to our // menu bar. The String parameter basically sets the menu's label JMenu colors = new JMenu ("Change Colors"); JMenu help = new JMenu ("Help"); // Add the menus to the menu bar (order does matter, they will be added // in order from left-to-right) menuBar.add (colors); menuBar.add (help); // Initialize the menu items that will eventually be added to our color // menu. The String parameter sets the label for the menu item. red = new JMenuItem ("Red"); green = new JMenuItem ("Green"); blue = new JMenuItem ("Blue"); // Add action listeners to each of our menu items so that we can tell // when the user clicks on them. red.addActionListener (this); green.addActionListener (this); blue.addActionListener (this); // Add the menu items to one of the menus. The order they are added does // matter. They are placed in order from top to bottom in the menu. colors.add (red); colors.add (green); colors.add (blue); // Set the initial value of current color to be red currentColor =; } // paint method public void paint (Graphics g) { // Call super class's version of paint to repaint the components super.paint (g); // Set the color to the current color g.setColor (currentColor); // Create a new font based on the current font and current size Font font = new Font(currentFont, Font.PLAIN, currentSize); // Set the new font g.setFont(font); // Draw a String on the graphics area g.drawString ("Good Morning!", 40, 200); } // itemStateChanged - from ItemListener public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) { // If the source of the change is the font Choice box if (e.getSource() == font) { // Then set the current font to be the new selection. // getItem returns an Object which in the case of Choice boxes can be // casted down to the String that was selected by the user. currentFont = (String)e.getItem(); } // otherwise, if it was the size choice box that changed else if (e.getSource() == size) { // Then set the current size to be the int version of the selection // getItem returns an Object which in the case of Choice boxes can be // casted down to the String that was selected by the user, which in // this case can then be parsed as an int value currentSize = Integer.parseInt ( (String) e.getItem ()); } // Call repaint so that the changes are made visible repaint(); } // actionPerformed - from ActionListener public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) { // If the menu item red was selected change the current color to red if (e.getSource () == red) currentColor =; // If the menu item blue was selected change the current color to blue else if (e.getSource () == blue) currentColor =; // If the menu item green was selected change the current color to green else if (e.getSource () == green) currentColor =; // repaint so that the changes are made visible. repaint(); } }