// Mr Greenstein
// March 17, 2014
// ShowImage.java
// This program shows:
//		1. Using a null layout
//		2. loading an image from a file and displays it to the screen.
//		3. implementing a JLabel component

import java.awt.*;			// for classes Image, Graphics, Color
import java.awt.event.*;	// for classes KeyListener, MouseListener
import javax.swing.*;		// for class JFrame

// 2. Add imports for classes File, IOExcaption, ImageIO
public class ShowImage 
	private JFrame frame;
	private DrawingArea canvas;		// JPanel to draw images
	// 2. Declare image object
	// 3. Declare JLabel object
	private int xpos, ypos;
	private boolean keyClear;
	private int sizeX = 217, sizeY = 301; // Calvin
	// 2. Provide Filename
	public ShowImage ( )   
		xpos = ypos = 220;		// center the picture in the frame
		keyClear = true;
	public static void main (String[] args) 
		ShowImage si = new ShowImage();
	public void Run( )  
		// Create the JFrame
		frame = new JFrame("ShowImage");
		// 1. Set the JFrame to a null layout
		// 3. Initialize JLabel and add to frame

		// Create the JPanel canvas
		canvas = new DrawingArea ( );
		canvas.setBackground( Color.gray );
		// Get the Image from a file

		frame.getContentPane().add( canvas );
		// 1. Set the location and size of the canvas
		// 3. Set the location and size of the label

		frame.setSize(800, 800);
		frame.setLocation(300, 0);

	public void GetMyImage() 
		// 2. Create a try-catch block for loading the image

	// canvas 
	class DrawingArea extends JPanel implements MouseListener, KeyListener 
		public DrawingArea ( )   
			addMouseListener (this);
			addKeyListener (this);

		public void paintComponent ( Graphics g ) 
			if (keyClear) super.paintComponent ( g );	// blank the canvas
			// 2. Draw the image that was loaded

			keyClear = false;

		// Mouse methods
		public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent e )   
			xpos = e.getX ( ) - 135;
			ypos = e.getY ( ) - 90;
			repaint ( );
		public void mouseClicked ( MouseEvent e )    {}
		public void mouseReleased ( MouseEvent e )    {}
		public void mouseEntered ( MouseEvent e )    {}
		public void mouseExited ( MouseEvent e )    {}
		// Key methods
		public void keyPressed (KeyEvent e) 
			int code = e.getKeyCode();
			// pressing space or shift will clear the screen
			if (code == 32 || code == 16) 
				keyClear = true;
		public void keyTyped (KeyEvent e) {}
		public void keyReleased (KeyEvent e) {}

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